Prickly Heat Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Remedy

13/01/2014 14:38


Sweat glands are present directly under the skin and there ducts open on the skin surface. Blockage of these sweat glands leads to itching of skin called prickly heat. It is also known as heat rash, miliria or sweat rash. Mostly it is not a serious condition and is self limiting but it can sometimes leads to complications such as interference in bodies heat regulation mechanism and heat stroke. It mostly occurs on the areas which are covered with cloths such as abdomen, chest, groin and arm pits. Infants, more active people, new born in incubators and bed bound patients having fever are more likely to develop this condition. Itchical is the herbal product which can give you relief from the itiching associated with prickly heat.

Prickly heat cause: As mentioned above the main prickly heat cause is blockage of sweat glands. This blockage occurs due to excessive perspiration which leads to lodging of dead skin or bacteria present on skin, such as staphylococcus epidermidis, in the ducts of the sweat glands. This blockage leads to accumulation of sweat under the skin, causing appearance of a bump and when this sweat build up burst it gives prickly or stinging sensation.

Types of prickly heat: It can be classified according to the level of obstruction. In Miliaria crystalline the obstruction is superficial manifesting as multiple tiny blisters like lesions. In miliaria rubra obstruction causes seepage of sweat into deeper layers and provoking inflammatory response as its clinical manifestation. It is the most common form of the disease. Miliaria profunda occurs as a complication of repeated episodes of milira rubra. Other less common types of prickly heat are miliaria pustulosa, postmiliarial hypohidrosis, tropical anhidroitic asthenia, occlusion miliaria and colloid milium.

Symptoms of prickly heat: Symptoms of prickly heat is presence of small red rashes called papules which may cause pins-and-needles sensation or itching, simultaneously on different body parts of the patient most common being skin folds and parts that may rub against clothing.

Prickly heat prevention: Prickly heat prevention can be done by avoiding situations causing excessive sweating such as vigorous physical activity. Other then this avoiding hot humid environment, using air conditions, fans cool showers and baths and light weight loose fitting cloths can help prevent the situation.

Treatment of prickly heat: This condition can mostly resolve without intervention but severe cases may require medical attention. General measures that should be recommended includes moving to cool, air conditioned environment, avoidance of the activities causing excessive sweating, avoidance of tight fitted clothing and taking frequent bath. Application of topical antibacterial may help in treatment of prickly heat. Other than this topical anti-itch preparations including calamine, menthol or camphor based preparations and topical steroid creams such as hydrocortisone can help deal with the itching. Oil based creams and preparations should be avoided as it can increase the blockage. The blisters, if formed, and left untreated can lead to infection or dermatitis so sanitization of the area and drainage of the blister is recommended. Prickly heat Treatment powders having dry milk proteins, triclosan and menthol is also of great help.